Saturday, March 1, 2014

Bun in the Oven

I know these blogs are few and far between, but again, I have this mainly because I knew I wanted a place I could put funny/cute stories of our kids to look back on and remember someday.  The good news is, I am 15 weeks pregnant!!  Which means in the near future there just might be more frequent blogging action.  We shall see ;)

It's still pretty darn surreal to me that we are having a baby.  It's pretty much the most exciting and terrifying thing in the whole world, both at the same time.  I have always, always, wanted to be a mommy.  I am super lucky to have found a guy who wanted that too...after we had our own fun, of course.  Seriously though, this is our fourth year of marriage, and I look back on it, and think "I cannot believe we've done so much".  Weren't we just in college, hopping the fence to each others houses like a few months ago?  From traveling across the world, to buying our first home, settling careers and having adventures with our's been good.  Our dogs, I tell you...they are going to have to learn they are not the babies of our lives anymore.  I don't think we've made that easy on them!  But hey, that's another story.

This teeny little peanut is so loved already.  I look at my ultrasound picture and say, AWE look how Cuuuuute!!!  My mom brings me back to reality "Marta, I assure you they are even cuter outside of the womb."  haha.  Goodness.  And 15 weeks already!  How that has flown by!  I don't even know where the first trimester went.  I mean I am almost 4 months?  What.  

We haven't even bought anything yet for the nugget.  But I have my reasons.  A., I don't know if it's a boy or girl yet!  I am a planner, and cannot wait for 20 weeks to solve this mystery.  I need to know so that I can organize the nursery in the appropriate theme, and buy those cute little ruffled bottom onesies OR bow ties.  Believe me, there's not a lot of gender neutral stuff out there.  And also, B., let's be's just as much of a surprise at 20 weeks as it is at delivery!  

Probably the sweetest thing though, is this little pumpkin received his/her first gift from the great grandma!  Drew's grandma is absolutely precious.  She is so thrilled to be a great grandma, it makes my heart happy.  She sent us a package, and lo and behold, inside was a surprise for baby Eli!  The first baby blanket.  It's so soft and beautiful and perfect.  I know, it's just a blanket, but it's MY baby's blanket.  That makes it different.  

My grandma, is of course excited too, but with about 20 years on Drew's grandma, she has her own little clan of great grandbabies already!  I should count them all up...I think it's 12 great grandkids!  So of course, she's excited, but I think it's something a little special for the Eli side.  We are making a lot of firsts on that side of the family.  First great grandbaby, first nephew/niece, first grandbaby, first GREAT grandnephew/neice...I have a feeling this one's going to be spoiled.

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